High resolution design takes up to 1 minute to “SAVE” or “Add to Cart”
“SAVE” design requires account login, or register new account. “ADD TO CART” doesn’t reguire account login.

Quick Tips
How to set background colors ?
- Basic colors at product page. (pre defined ones)
- “Background Colors” menu tab includes Color Picker (unlimited colors)

How to set background images/Pattern, or your image file ?
- High resolution background images are located at “CLIPART” menu and “Background Images” Tab
- Free Pixabay images can be downloaded at “IMAGES” Menu and “Pixabay” Tab
- You can use your own image file as background (see instruction below)
- Background images can be resized and stretch to cover the canvas area manually or automatically set and locked by clicking “Set Backgrounds” button

How to add text ?
- Select “T” Text Menu
- Type your text on “Enter your text” Box
- Pick Font
- Text Color, Text outline, Text Effects boxes under “ADD NEW TEXT” button.

How to upload your photo/image/cliparts ?
- Select “IMAGES” Menu
- Click “UPLOAD IMAGE” tab and select file from your PC to upload
- Acceptable file formats… jpg, jpeg, png, svg
- Large format prints require high resolution images (300 dpi recommended)

How to do Mask Layer Image ?
- Upload an image/photo, and cover the area of the image to mask with shape/text or another image (Heart shape used for sample below)
- Select “IMAGE” Menu, and click “MASK LAYER” tab
- Click image/Photo to be Masked and target elements will show up on “MASK LAYER” Box.
- Choose and click Cover element (Heart Shape on sample below)

How to make elements lighter, transparent (see thru) ?
- Each menu inludes “Opacity” option
- Adjust darkness/lightness using slider bar.
- Opacity works for multi layer elements.