  •  High resolution design takes up to 1 minute to “SAVE” or “Add to Cart”
  • “SAVE” design requires account login, or register new account.  “ADD TO CART” doesn’t reguire account login.


How to use Pixabay Photos, Images and Flaticon Cliparts

 Select “IMAGES” Menu and click Pixabay or Flaticon Icons on top of the “IMAGES” BoxesH

How to unlock background image to edit or delete

 Template background images are locked as default, it needs to be unlocked to delete or edited, like resizing, make lighter (Opacity), rotate,, etc. 
 Select “IMAGES” Menu and Click “Set Background” button to unlock, or lock the background Image. Background Color Menu would work after template background image unlocked.


How to add text ?
  1. Select “T” Text Menu
  2. Type your text on “Enter your text” Box
  3. Pick Font
  4. Text Color, Text outline, Text Effects boxes under “ADD NEW TEXT” button.
How to upload your photo/image/cliparts ?
  1. Select “IMAGES” Menu
  2. Click “UPLOAD IMAGE” tab and select file from your PC to upload
  3. Acceptable file formats… jpg, jpeg, png, svg
  4. Large format prints require high resolution images (300 dpi recommended)
How to do Mask Layer Image ?
  1. Upload an image/photo, and cover the area of the image to mask with shape/text or another image (Heart shape used for sample below)
  2. Select “IMAGE” Menu, and click “MASK LAYER” tab
  3. Click image/Photo to be Masked and target elements will show up on “MASK LAYER” Box.
  4. Choose and click Cover element (Heart Shape on sample below)
How to make elements lighter, transparent (see thru) ?
  1. Each menu inludes “Opacity” option
  2. Adjust darkness/lightness using slider bar.
  3. Opacity works for multi layer elements.